11 Kids and Counting

No, TTL is not being profiled in an upcoming episode with the Duggar family – although I am certain they would have a great time hanging out with the kids and staff! Rather, the number of babies in our Safe Home has reached double digits just as the season turns toward winter in earnest.

For a time in March, it seemed as though each day brought a new client through our doors. Now with twice as many babies as February, the playroom can sometimes sound just a few decibels shy of your high school gym during a pep rally. Usually around meal times.

Our newest addition arrived just in time to celebrate April Fool’s Day and spends most of his time wrapped burrito-style in a pale yellow Basotho blanket. The bo-‘m’e caring for all eleven babies have found a particularly soft spot for this tiny bundle. He may not be ready to play with the other kids yet, but he has made himself right at home all the same.

Autumn tend to be difficult for many Basotho families in the highlands as the harvest lessens and the chill sets in. The TTL Safe Home has frequently gone from a handful of the neediest cases to a full house during this time.

Several of the current Safe Home kids now boast full cheeks and bellies and are preparing to head back to their families. While we celebrate their growth and development under our care, we are ever mindful that more sick children will likely fill their places. The changing seasons can often bring changes for the worse for children already at risk. Much as TTL relies on its own support network of friends and generous donors, these vulnerable babies need a similar system to help them through critical periods. All the staff at TTL work each day to fill that role.


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