Over the past year, Touching Tiny Lives has received endless support from people around the world. This support has come in many forms from volunteers and doctors lending their skills and expertise here in Mokhotlong to generous monetary donations that allow us to provide families with food packages and pay our dedicated staff of Basotho.
We wanted to share a little bit about the kids currently staying in the safe-home to show you just what a difference your support means to all of us at TTL.

Reitumetse has now been at the safe-home for about three months. This little girl is so full of giggles and spunk and has us all laughing constantly. She is also extremely smart and always willing to sit down with a book or puzzle. While at TTL, she has recovered remarkably from severe malnutrition, learned to walk, and started a successful regiment of ARVs. We’re excited to see what the coming months hold for Reitumetse’s continued recovery.

Just two days after Nthabeleng, five day old Rapelang joined the safe-home family. Suddenly, we found ourselves with two babies less than a week old! Since all of the bo’me love to snuggle with these little ones, this was no problem at all. Rapelang also lost his mother shortly after birth. The Outreach team is currently working with his family to ensure that his return home is successful. He is now about one month old and doing very well.

Happy Holidays from everyone at TTL!
The TTLF Fellow is a representative of the North American organisation The Tiny Lives Foundation. Based for one year in Mokhotlong, Lesotho, the TTLF Fellow serves in an administrative support capacity for the Basotho charity TTL.