Saving One Child at a Time
TTL serves the most in-need children in one of the poorest countries in Africa by providing access to health care, offering health education, and combating malnutrition.
TTL is the only organization exclusively dedicated to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children in the rural, mountainous district of Mokhotlong, Lesotho where we work. We support children affected by HIV/AIDS working to ensure our clients are able to grow, develop, and thrive.
Show your support of TTL with our sticker campaign! They’re free! Just a way for us to thank you for keeping TTL going strong through the Pandemic and beyond.
Our Commitment to Individual Intervention
Deep in the mountains of Lesotho, TTL’s dedicated Outreach workers address intense, acute need one child at a time. We don’t measure our impact solely by the numbers, but by every plump cheek and sweet smile. We travel to distant, remote places larger nonprofits are often unable to reach, not letting families go forgotten. We offer children and their families a helping hand, and they are forever grateful. We are forever grateful, in turn, to our wonderful donors who know there is value in our approach in addressing the needs of the Mokhotlong community one child at a time (TTL’s motto and mission).